Location: Columbia Falls area
Fee: No fee
This is a driving trip (in your own car) to the barrens of Washington County in search of nesting Upland Sandpiper and Vesper Sparrow. If there is interest, we will also swing by Addison Marsh to look for migrating shorebirds and waterfowl such as Black-bellied Plover, Red Knot, and Green-winged Teal.
The barrens are large sandy plains that were created by retreating glaciers and are now ideal for cultivating low-bush blueberries, a major agricultural crop in this part of Maine. Other species that like this habitat include Palm Warbler, Lincoln’s and Savannah Sparrows, Eastern Meadowlark, and Northern Harrier.
Addison Marsh is a large salt marsh that attracts a variety of waders and dabblers and that offers good viewing opportunities from dry ground. If time and weather permit, we may continue birding in the South Addison or Harrington area for warblers and other migrants.
No strenuous hiking is involved. Bring snacks and something to drink.
Where to Meet
Elmer’s Country Store, 1039 US 1, Columbia Falls
GPS Coordinates: 44.64965, -67.70991
Elmer’s Country Store is about 33 miles (40 minutes) from Whiting via US 1 South, or 16 miles (23 minutes) from Machias. It is on the left if you are heading south on US 1, just past Wild Blueberry Land (large painted blueberries). Elmer’s has gasoline, a restaurant, a convenience store, and rest rooms.
Meeting Place Map