Nadia May


AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer Coordinator

Nadia is a new member of the Cobscook team, serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer Coordinator. Since this is a new position, Nadia is working on organizing a volunteer program that will better support current volunteers and make new volunteers feel welcome and supported. Nadia graduated from Northland College with a degree in Sustainable Agriculture in 2023. Nadia's passion for volunteer work stemmed from her experience volunteering at a small non-profit bike shop in North Carolina. There, she helped run the bike library and coordinate volunteer tasks. Born and raised in Wisconsin, Nadia has a love for the comforts of the northwoods and has always been curious about Maine. She is excited to live here and learn more about the area. She enjoys swimming, biking, sewing, cross country skiing, and writing letters to her friends.