
Learning expeditions are a signature component of Cobscook Experiential Programs. Expeditions allow us to expand our classroom around the state and country. They allow for nature, new communities, and new people to be our direct teachers. They allow us to depend on one another—to be a team— as we travel to new places, explore and have fun.  

While trips are very hands-on experiences, students do complete academic coursework while on expeditions. Students have an expedition workbook for each trip, in which students complete assignments related to the themes of each trip.


The Maine Wilderness

Each September, we take five nights to paddle the West Branch of the Penobscot River and Chesuncook Lake in northern Maine. This trip supports many of our initial learning objectives in our Outdoor Skills and Leadership courses, as well as our Learning Communities courses.  We also take a four night trip in October, which is often linked to learning objectives in our science courses. 


Explore Winter Ecology

Expeditions remain an important part of our program throughout the winter, and the destination will vary based on group size and ability. In the past, our trips have included an exploration of winter ecology while skiing and snowshoeing in New Brunswick, and an exploration of ecosystems, habitat issues, and cultures in the south-east portion of the United States. 


Politics and History

In the spring we’ll explore the politics and history first hand. This urban trip will take us to centers of government , history, power, and influence. This trip generally supports learning goals for our social studies courses.

Cobscook Institute has most of the equipment that students need for expeditions. If you’re interested to see the gear that students generally bring on trips, our general packing list is below.