
Greetings Cobscook Family!

It’s with a warm smile that contrasts this frigid Maine morning that I write to you all with a wonderful set of news. First, I would like to introduce myself to the wonderful constellation of caring community members far and wide– you! My name is Colby Soctomah-Lewey and I am one of the Co-Chairs of the Board of Directors at Cobscook Institute. I previously served on the board many seasons ago, and I believe it most appropriate to try to share my enthusiasm for the work that we are doing and what is coming up in the future. 

The first set of news: we are thriving. I know our campus has been around for a while now, so that it likely has become a part of the featured landscape of our little neck of the woods. But it is no small feat to continually engage and reimagine how our contributions to this landscape (and beyond) year after year are shaping the world around us. And part of how we do that is by the wonderful interactions we hold with our extended family– you (again). 

The second set of news is that we have a wonderful slate of programming and engagement within our surrounding communities coming this year. Most of these are in an actualization of some of the very founding principles this campus was born from. I, for one, am excited for the upcoming graduation of our largest ever high school class. Truly, it is an honor to offer opportunities that align with a student’s educational attainment goals. 

As I take a breath and look out of the window at the snow falling, I want to report to you all on a personal level as well. I am filled with a deep appreciation as a tribal member of the Passamaquoddy Tribe that many of our community agencies have some form of a relationship with Cobscook Institute. It reminds me of some of our ancient iconography which presents the message ‘in solidarity we come together as one’. And I believe fully in this message: this wonderful work would not be possible without engagement from you all. So kci woliwon, thank you very much. 

Colby Soctomah Lewey
Board Co-Chair