Greetings to our broad circle of friends, neighbors, and partners:
We write this note to you on the first full day of spring, as we delight in the sounds of spring and the vernal symphony they create. As a Down East Spring Birding Festival committee member just shared, “I’m just in from a walk, where I heard birds singing their territorial song.” We are so grateful for this beautiful place we call home and for the dynamism of the changing seasons here.
The theme of this Currents is “Realizing.” After “wintering” we are establishing new programs, cultivating new and old partnerships, and reinvigorating our campus as a community center that is welcoming, accessible, and feeds the mind, body, and spirit.
As a teaching and learning center, an innovation hub, and a retreat and gathering place for people from near and far we, together with you, cultivate self and community realization. You will see in this issue the realization of expanded leadership. We have hired three new staff members and brought on four new board members. Heartwood Lodge continues as a cocoon for self-actualization and the realization of new projects that emerge when in relationship with other organizations, such as the Zillman Art Museum and René Goddess Johnson of Embodied Equity, Inc.
This growth and cultivation exists within a set of 2022 organizational goals that ground us in realizing our mission and values within a long-term sustainable organization: increasing the access and impact of our programs, deepening shared and distributed leadership through governance, increasing capacity and efficacy, fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion both internally externally, and maintaining and strengthening financial viability.
Thank you for your part in making Cobscook a place where hopes and dreams are realized, where our wishes for “someday” become our today.
Kara McCrimmon
Daphne Loring