Frank Trocco - Board Chair

Freedom, ME

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Frank holds a PhD in the Sociology of Science, and teaches interdisciplinary courses at Lesley University, MA including: “Native North Americans,” “History of an Island: Cape Breton,” “A History of Science: The Emergence of Western Scientific Thought,” and “Complementary, Integrative, and Alternative Medicine.” He has a particular interest in looking at health as it is applied in areas of popular culture, and the conflicts between scientific and non-western conceptions of healing. Since the summer of 1989 when he spent a year living at a Navajo trading post, Frank has participated in many Navajo healing rituals.

From 1972-1992 Frank lived in Downeast Lubec, Maine, and in 1978 he co-founded the National Audubon Society Expedition Institute (AEI), a radical alternative to mainstream education involving a year of accredited travel/study. Frank directed environmental field studies in nearly every wilderness area, national park, and national forest in the lower forty-eight states, and was in a supervisory role in the administration of programs, and responsible for faculty committees, public relations, program design, outreach, faculty development and evaluation, and curriculum design.

Besides trying to convey a deep respect for nature and the Earth’s living system, Frank’s expedition responsibilities included outdoor skills in canoeing, cross-country skiing, winter camping, backpacking and hiking, snorkeling, mountaineering, group dynamics and facilitation, orienteering, caving, and wilderness medicine.