Barn Meadow Trail Hike

Location: Baring: Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge

Saturday, May 23
6:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Maurry Mills

Fee: No additional fee



Join Maurry and other MNWR staff for an easy 3-mile hike that follows the Barn Meadow Trail through a variety of habitats: various ages of hardwood and softwood forest, a managed oak stand, wetlands, and fields.Many neotropical migrant birds may be seen. Birds here can include Double-crested Cormorant, American Bittern, Wood Duck, American Black Duck, Ringnecked Duck, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, Virginia Rail, Sora, Wilson’s Snipe, Pileated Woodpecker; Alder, Great-crested, and Least Flycatchers; Eastern Wood-Pewee, vireos, thrushes, Marsh Wren, Bobolink, Savannah and Swamp Sparrows, and nearly two dozen species of warblers. Rubber boots and insect repellent are highly recommended.

After walking the trail we will cross the Charlotte Rd to scan the Magurrewock Marshes from the cross dike and the eagle observation deck for waterfowl, marsh and water birds, and raptors.


Meeting Place

Baring: Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge
GPS Coordinates: 45.115013, -67.281511

Meet at the YCC Building on the grounds of Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge headquarters.
From there you can drive your own vehicle or car pool to park along Charlotte Rd near the Barn Meadow trailhead and Magurrewock dike. CAUTION: Be alert for high-speed traffic on Charlotte Rd. Note that travel time from the Festival HQ in Trescott is 45 to 60 minutes depending on the route you choose. Restrooms are in the YCC Building and at the Raven Trail parking area further up Headquarters Road.


Meeting Place Map