River Camp

July 22nd - August 2nd 2024

Cost: Free!

Rising Grades: 9-12

River Camp is a two-week overnight summer service camp for teens interested in outdoor careers, conservation, ecology, and outdoor skill building. A partnership between  Downeast Salmon Federation (DSF) and Cobscook Institute, teens who are accepted to River Camp are part of a co-ed youth crew and work alongside professionals on projects focused on habitat restoration and recreational access. Base camp is at the historic Wigwams Camp on the Wigwams Rapid on the Machias River, and participants venture out each day for work, skill building, exploration, and fun. Participants also experience camp life – swimming, playing games, and building outdoor skills.

River Camp is a career-building experience, just like a job, those who want to join River Camp submit an application and participate in an interview (see deadlines below). And, just like a job, those who successfully complete the River Camp experience go home with a stipend (not to mention new friends, new skills, and tons of great memories). The stipend recognizes the hard work that River Camp participants put into the conservation projects and the career skills built along the way.

River Camp is expertly led by Cobscook Experiential Programs Co-Teacher, Maria McMorrow. Each participant will be supported in their learning process with compassion and fun.


During weekdays teens will work with their on-site leaders in three major areas: salmon habitat restoration, trail work and interpretive signs, and improvements to the camp. Trail tasks could range from planting native plants for erosion control to litter clean-up to building nature trails. Teens will work with DSF and Cobscook Institute staff to improve salmon habitat by removing remnant dams and adding large wood to rivers and streams. There are also opportunities to help with scientific data collection.

Who Should Apply?

We seek mature, hardworking teens who have a desire to be outdoors and part of a team. Ideal participants are interested in having an experience that is more comprehensive than a regular summer job. A desire to learn and work together is valued above an extensive work history. Participants should be ready to fully embrace the here-and-now by leaving cell phones and other electronics at home. We are actively seeking applicants from Wabanaki and other Washington County communities.


Teens will sleep in tents at the Wigwams camp. The camp building will be a common space where we will cook meals, play cards, listen to guest speakers, or make music together. Conditions will be rustic but comfortable, and there is no electricity or phone. Bathing will be improvised and privies are a short walk away from the living area. After the day's work is done there will be time to swim, fish, make artwork, or relax, and the crew will make hearty meals together every evening.

Weekends will feature short trips to paddle and explore other areas of the watershed. Trips will be planned based on student interest but examples of weekend activities could include climbing Tunk Mountain, a field trip to the Machiasport petroglyphs, or overnight solo experiences. This will be an unforgettable way to be immersed in the outdoors.

For any questions about the River Camp program, contact Maria McMorrow at 207-255-7367, or use the form below to be in touch!

The Cobscook Community Learning Center (CCLC) and Downeast Salmon Federation (DSF) are working together to offer a two week summer experience for teens interested in outdoor careers. Teens will be part of a co-ed youth crew, camping out at the Wigwams Rapid on the Machias River and working with professionals doing trail work and salmon habitat restoration.

This video includes content from before our 2020 name change. Learn more.