Marion Bates
The Burn Road in northern Washington County is known for its excellent boreal birding. Spruce Grouse, Black-backed Woodpecker, Gray Jay, Boreal Chickadee, Olive-sided and Yellow-bellied Flycatchers, plus both Crossbill species are frequently seen here. We will also look on nearby roads for Mourning Warbler.
We will likely walk 3-4 miles, at a slow pace, on flat and dry gravel surfaces. This trip is appropriate for birders with any level of skill or experience.
Blackflies and mosquitoes will be swarming, so be sure to bring insect repellent and wear clothing that covers your skin (hat, long-
sleeved shirt, long pants, gloves, and closed shoes). You should also bring water and lunch.
Meet at Topsfield Post Office, on the left on US 1 just before the junction with Rte 6. This is 34 miles north of the Moosehorn NWR HQ in Baring. Travel time from CCLC Festival HQ is close to two hours. The closest location to fill up on gas, pick up drinks and snacks, and use restrooms is the Irving station in Princeton, 16 miles south on US 1.